Thank you so much for considering adding a rescue Dane to your home. Before you begin the process to adopt, I would like to give you some information about the process which can take up to a month to complete. We do very careful screening of our adopters. Great Danes are not for everyone, rescue is not for everyone, and many people do not have the patience for the time it takes to apply to adopt. Please know that we are all volunteers with families and full time jobs, so it can take up to a month to get thru the process. But we know that the adopters who do make it thru are committed to rescuing a Dane and giving it a wonderful home. That is what is most important to us. If you know you can provide a loving home to one of our Danes, I hope you have the patience to go thru the application process and make it thru to approval. The NJ Chapter thanks you for your interest and looks forward to working with you.
MaryFran Cini, MAGDRL President
- Nap time
- Hard to believe this is the same dog.
The most important way to help our organization — besides donating — is to volunteer! This is a great group of friendly people and you'll be amazed at what we do to help our furry friends. If you're interested, or even just curious, check out our Volunteering page.
Our volunteers cover all aspects of the organization from bringing in dogs, fostering and every step of the adoption process. We also have volunteers who coordinate events and do fundraising to be sure we can continue doing what we love so much.
We welcome you to come and help us out as a foster home, event volunteer or one of the many other positions. There's no better way to help the Danes!
Join us at one of our many events! The most frequent ones are called a "Meet & Greet." At this type of event, MAGDRL will set up a table at a business location (typically a pet supply store) and will introduce our group to the public. We supply written information on all aspects of Great Danes and educate interested individuals or families on the prospect of adopting or fostering a Dane.
Some of our more popular summer-time events are held at ice cream parlors.
We also collect donations at these events to help offset the cost of caring for these dogs. Please check out our Events page.
To help pay the expenses of caring for our Great Danes, we have several ways of collecting donations. In addition to monetary donations, we have a large number of affiliates. These are businesses that will usually donate a portion of a sale of goods or services when the person is referred by our group. Some of them help MAGDRL in other ways such as direct donation of goods such as dog food.
We also have ongoing fundraisers such as collection of old cell phones or printer cartridges which we can redeem for cash. You can get a MAGDRL Visa card too!
Many of these business will give you a discount too! Please check out the lists of Fundraisers and Affiliates.

Giving Assistant
This is similar to Amazon Smile and IGive, however, there are over 1900 stores to chose. Very simply, click on the link below, sign up and then to go Settings and click on MAGDRL as your charity and you can choose how much you would like to donate.
Giving Assistant has over 1900 stores to choose from, i.e Macy's, Babies R Us, and Coach, just a few examples.
The way this works is you click on the store you wish to shop and there is a coupon code and from that coupon you decide how much you would like to donate to MAGDRL. For example, if you choose Macy's and they have a 5% off coupon, you can decide how much of the 5% you wish to give back, either 1% or the entire 5%.
Giving Assistant - Save money, support charity, shop responsibly
Special Announcements
MAGDRL continues to monitor the state restrictions and recommendations to help decrease the spread of COVID-19. We are slowly beginning to complete home visits which were stopped during the stay at home order. We have implemented safety measures to perform these visits as safely as possible. We want to keep everyone as safe as possible as the pandemic continues thru it’s current course. Thanks you for your continued support and understanding as we navigate through these challenging times. Our dedication to Danes in need continues to be our number one goal. Our hope is to keep everyone safe, healthy and whole.